train-accident-attorneyThe frequency of train accidents is a terrifyingly high statistic in the United States. Almost every two hours, a person or vehicle is struck by a train in the United States, and almost 1,000 people per year are killed in train related accidents.

A train also derails on average every two weeks.

Thousands of railroad crossing in the US have no gates or flashing lights to alert vehicles to stay off the tracks, and still fewer have pedestrian gate arms to keep pedestrians from crossing the tracks when trains are coming.

Train crossings are notoriously unsafe for pedestrians and vehicles alike. If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a train related accident, we are here to help.

Common Train Accident Causes

You’re about to cross the tracks in your vehicle, and there is no automated warning system. Trees are obstructing your view of the tracks on one side, so you decide to cross… and your vehicle is struck by a train. Or, you are crossing the tracks as a pedestrian and stumble, catching your foot in the tracks as a train barrels towards you. Maybe you are riding as a passenger in a vehicle, and the driver attempts to cross the tracks and is struck. It takes only seconds for a train accident to change your life, or the lives of family members that lose someone to a train.

The rail system in the United States is antiquated, and needs to be entirely overhauled to ensure the safety of US citizens everywhere. Until then, people are in danger every single day. A train takes over a mile to stop on average, which means even if they see someone on the tracks, they cannot always stop in time.

Seek Legal Representation

The days, weeks and months after a railroad accident are the most crucial to a successful case… but also the hardest for anyone injured, or family members of someone lost. The last thing you should have to deal with is trying to negotiate with the train companies yourself, or trying to obtain police or medical reports. Let the experienced attorneys at HWG Law handle it all for you. With decades of experience assisting with train cases, we are ready, willing, and able to help you get the justice you deserve. Consultations are always free, and we are standing by to help you.

The HWG Law Firm

Train companies like Union Pacific and CSX have dozens of lawyers on retainer, ready to fight against your claim. So what do you do? You call HWG Law. With knowledge of fighting the train companies for clients, we are more than prepared to take on your case. We genuinely care about our clients, and are experts in the field of train accidents. We have a proven record of winning clients millions in train related cases. Our attorneys want to help you.